On the last Monday in August, the new international publication MATHEMATICS EDULARP – Educational Live Action Role Playing Game in Mathematical Context was presented at the University of Economics and Technology. The publication was created within the Mathematics EduLarp project (2019-1-CZ01-KA201-061377). The design of an innovative mathematical larp game and the experience of its implementation in the Czech Republic, Italy and Spain were presented at the launch of the publication.
The publication Mathematics EduLARP presents the idea and design of an original pedagogical game – edularp, which can motivate students to study science subjects, especially mathematics. Using the edularp method, mathematical concepts and inter-subject relationships are elaborated in order to develop not only knowledge but also skills such as spatial orientation, communication in small teams, and problem solving.
The international team of the Mathematics EduLARP project from VŠB – Technical University Ostrava, University of Cantabria and University of Genoa participated in the preparation of the publication.